Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Soothing Spaces and Favorite Specimens

As I walk through the Jungle, I take great joy in the various spaces about the garden and breath in the tranquil effects they have on me. After all, Jupiter Jungle is not just my place of business, but it is also my personal haven.

I've planted each tree and watched it grow.

I've given loving farewells as they moved on to new jungles.

The various spaces in Jupiter Jungle

have their own personalities,

each showing a different facet of the garden as a whole.

Some are humorous...

or whimsical,

while others are a bit more structured,

versus naturalistic and casual in nature.

Something is always blooming to catch the eye.

The colors brighten the darker corners of the Jungle.

and always bring a smile to my face!

They uplift my spirits.

Some blooms are small and unobtrusive,

showing their gentle personalities.

Other blooms are dynamic and bold,

leaving nothing to the imagination!

Of course, the blooms aren't just eye candy...

their sweet fragrances are a treat too!

White blooms are especially important to the Jungle,

providing a light and airy atmosphere.

The deeper shades provide an exotic feel.

Every day is a treat in my own personal jungle.

I am truly happy to be able to share it!

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